
In setting about exploring the relationship between philosophy and music, the work of Deleuze could seem like an odd place to start. Not only is there a notable paucity of musical references and engagement in Deleuze’s writings relative to that afforded to the other arts, but music theory has, since at least the 17th century, perhaps tended towards forms of transcendence, dissociating its form from its materials, and had perhaps even been an exemplary case of structuralist thinking avant la lettre. This seems to put it at odds with the Deleuze we think of as a post-structuralist thinker and a thinker of immanence. Jacques Rancière makes the claim that in Deleuze’s thought there appears to be an almost Schopenhauerian privileging of music with regards to the fundamental nature of the world, but for Rancière this analogy serves only the development of a critique of Deleuze, echoing those offered by…

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Dance Humanity Dance

December 13, 2015

There is a dance that never ends. It twists and turns around Time’s bends, into eternity…

All things want to be

But locked in dance

Of fear & hate

We forget our

Seeking peace

We writhe & rend

Darkness comes

At music’s end-

(To be continued…always-)

Twitter: @derickijohnson 

The Soldier

December 11, 2015

[My submission for Flash!Friday’s 3rd FLASHversary Bash]

On Friday, everything changed. 

He was a soldier who’d fought The Four Horsemen to a standstill around the world – Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq…

He was also mortal. And though a man might win battles against gods, the final word belonged to Them. He thought this as he stood on a mountain peak above the carnage of his final battle, clouds roiling below him like ghosts of drunken sailors, granting peeks of the destruction far below. 

The soldier had reached his mortal limit. Seeking a new path, he leaned out into the abyss as angel’s wings sprouted, ripping away his bloody raiments. 

– DeRicki 

Twitter: @derickijohnson


December 11, 2015

Flash!Friday is a gravitational body that attracts some of the best authors and flash fiction to be found on the Web!

Flash! Friday

WELCOME TO FLASHVERSARYand the final contest here at Flash! Friday before we close our doors. I’m going to save my mushiest stuff for the winners’ post on Tuesday (to sum up: I looooooove you!), but let me just say up front that this contest is always my favorite each year, because it’s when I get to thank and honor you for your amazing writing and all-round gorgeousness. Three years! Who’d have thought it?!

In the meantime, if you’re in the mood and feeling brave/ornery, please feel welcome to follow me on Twitter& friend me on Facebook. I’d love to stay nosy connected.

Here’s a quick look at how Flashversary will work this year: you will have 24 hours, as always, to submit your story on a single prompt. That’s it! No second round this time; we’re keeping it short ‘n’ sweet. As thanks and so everyone…

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Run-on Days

December 2, 2015

This hit home…